I am Belén Shana and I welcome you to my method. SILENCE DANCE.

If you are reading these lines, it is because something has caught your attention.


What is Silence Dance? It is a new methodology with which you will be able to develop:


An authentic way of interpreting your dance - at last you will feel yourself dancing!

A greater connection to your spirituality while dancing

Greater creativity in the elaboration of your steps and sequences

Increased relaxation in your performances or classes

You will be able to develop your artistic creations as you have never imagined before. Bring out the dance in you!

No one is like you, you are unique, you carry within you the spark of art and wisdom, let me help you grow as a dancer and as an artist!

You are not a copy of anyone else, that only limits you. Dare to explore all your possibilities as a dancer!

Start enjoying your dance, really.


In this time of great transformations, it is no longer enough to stick to the knowledge we already know. It is necessary to go one step further! Are you going to spend the rest of your life dancing the same way?


You know that there is something special, different and unique inside you. I can help you show it to the world. It's time to open up, it's time to enjoy, it's time to dance from the deep.


"Everything lies within us. Dance is a mystical and creative path, beyond fashions".
Belén Shana


For all types of dancers, professional and non-professional.


For anyone interested in the arts of movement (theatre, cinema, corporal expression).


I work with the Oriental Dance technique, but you can follow the courses if you come from another discipline, as the interpretative content is for all dances.


Courses marked with levels are specified and require several years of previous dance experience to make the most of them.

"Beautiful is what comes from within us. Beautiful is what is inwardly beautiful".


My more than twenty years of developing this method, as a stage professional and teacher, are waiting for you. With respect for your wisdom, thank you for joining me!




A leap in your evolution as an artist

The dancer of the future will be the one whose body and soul have grown together so harmoniously that the natural language of that soul becomes the movement of the body".
Isadora Duncan

Vocabulary of steps and choreographic sequences increases exponentially. The interpretation of movement becomes much more natural and resources increase.