The present contracting conditions govern the relationship between María Belén González García and the users of her website that are provided through the site https://belenshana.com/.        

María Belén González García is committed to transparency and clarity in the commercial transactions carried out on this website, guaranteeing a space committed to the rights of users and clients. For this reason, we recommend that before contracting any of the courses made available to you on this website, you read these conditions and the terms and conditions that apply to the contracting of training offered by Belén Shana.



These terms define the commercial conditions that govern the relationship between users and María Belén González García and will be binding from the moment any economic transaction is carried out on this website. These terms were last updated on 5/7/2024.


Vendor identifier

Pursuant to the provisions of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), we offer you the following information:


Company name: María Belén González García

VAT NO/NIF: 09800646-R

E-mail address: hello@belenshana.com

Registered officeCalle del General Oráa nº 76, Madrid (28006)

Its business activity is: Online academy of dance and performance courses

Purpose of the website: Sale of online courses



Minor warnings

This website does not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 14.

Under no circumstances will data relating to the professional or economic situation or the privacy of other family members be collected from minors without the consent of the legitimate legal guardians.

If you are under fourteen years of age and have accessed this website without notifying your parents, you must not register as a user.



Acceptance and Acceptance Testing

As a condition of any order, the user must contact https://belenshana.com/ and provide the relevant information required for the purchase of the courses available on this website.  The ordering information you provide must be accurate, complete and up to date at all times. Failure to do so constitutes a violation of the terms, which may result in the dissolution of the contract with https://belenshana.com/. From the moment of acceptance, the user acquires the status of Customer of https://belenshana.com/



Purchase validation

The validation of the order by the customer expressly implies knowledge and acceptance of these terms and conditions. special conditions of contract as part of the conclusion of the contract. In the absence of proof to the contrary, the data recorded by https://belenshana.com/ constitutes proof of all transactions carried out between https://belenshana.com/ and its customers.


Once the purchase has been made and as soon as possible, always within 24 hours after the purchase has been made, María Belén González García will send you the following e-mail address an order confirmation. If you do not agree with the information contained in this confirmation, you may request the modification or cancellation of the contract.


Description of the service

María Belén González García, through her website https://belenshana.com/, offers online training courses in the following formats (video) on dance and performance.




The language of the contents offered in the courses is Spanish (Castilian).



The contents offered in the courses may be in the following formats (text, videos and downloadable content)depending on the type of course.



Prices and taxes

The prices of access to the courses are always available through https://belenshana.com/en the information sheet of each course.

I reserve the right to update them on the website itself, so we recommend that the website is updated before contracting any service.

In accordance with the provisions of Law 37/1992 of 28 December 1992 regulating this tax and European Directive 2008/8/EC, the transaction may be exempt or not subject to this tax depending on the purchaser's country of residence and the capacity in which the purchaser acts (entrepreneur/professional or private individual). 


Consequently, in some cases the final price of the order may be altered with respect to that shown on the website.

The price of the courses or infoproducts sold by https://belenshana.com/ includes Spanish VAT. However, the final price of your order may vary depending on the VAT rate applied to the order. For orders destined for other European Union countries, Spanish VAT will be deducted and the VAT rate corresponding to the destination country will be applied. The final price will appear during the confirmation of your order and will reflect the VAT rate corresponding to the country of destination of the products.


Prices for the Services may change at any time at the sole and exclusive discretion of https://belenshana.com/. The Services do not provide price protection or refunds in the event of price reductions or promotional offers.



Accepted forms of payment

Only payment will be accepted for online courses through the https://belenshana.com/ website:

  • Paypal
  • Credit card (stripe)

Recruitment process of the course FACIAL EXPRESSION IN DANCE



The platform for purchasing the course will be WooCommerce. To start the process of purchasing courses on https://belenshana.com/ you must access the sales area and register by clicking on the register button. You will need to fill in the information requested in order to purchase the course you have selected.


You will know when the registration has been formalised when you have received an email with the confirmation of the purchase. Once the contracting process has been completed and accepted by https://belenshana.com/, the course user keys will be sent automatically by e-mail.


As a user, you acknowledge that the identification numbers and passwords assigned to you for access to these courses are personal and non-transferable, and you are solely responsible for the consequences that may arise from their misuse, disclosure or loss.

In the event of non-compliance with this prohibition, the customer shall be solely liable for the actions of the natural or legal person who makes unauthorised use of the user identifier.


Once the payment or payments corresponding to the contracted courses have been made, María Belén González García, as the person responsible for the domain https://belenshana.com/, grants the user a limited, non-exclusive, revocable and non-transferable licence for online access. (via web browser) to the platform and to the training courses acquired and available.



Course and programme development

Once you have registered in the course area, you will have access to all the material included in each course, whether it be texts, videos, downloadable materials, software, etc.., María Belén González García also reserves the right to deny access to the contracted courses to those participants who show behaviour that affects the normal running of the class or carry out activities that infringe its code of conduct, such as:


  • Dissemination, without the appropriate authorisation, of the materials provided in the course or programme.
  • The use of a personal and non-transferable username and password by more than one person at the same time, causing clear fraud to the company.
  • Carrying out activities that violate the intellectual property rights of María Belén González García.
  • Lack of respect for the teacher's authority.
  • Use of the classroom for a purpose other than that for which it was intended.

Buyer's rights: Returns and cancellation

Withdrawal is the right of a consumer of a good to return it within a legal period of time, without having to claim or give any explanation for it or suffer a penalty.

As a customer, you may have a period of 14 calendar days to withdraw from your purchase from the date of contracting by informing María Belén González García, within the stipulated period and by any means permitted by law, of your wish to exercise your right of withdrawal.




Withdrawal is the right of a consumer of a good to return it within a legal period of time, without having to claim or give any explanation for it or suffer a penalty. Withdrawal is subject to a series of exceptions, contemplated in art. 103 of the TRLGDCU, in the case of the provision of services such as those offered on this platform: The withdrawal period for digital content products will be suspended when the keys are used to access the digital content.



The right of withdrawal does not apply when:

Subparagraph m: "The supply of digital content which is not provided on a tangible medium where performance has begun with the prior express consent of the consumer and customer with the knowledge on his part that he loses his right of withdrawal as a result".

Therefore: You can only exercise it BEFORE you have accessed the training for the first time. In this way, by accepting these conditions, you expressly agree that you will lose the right of withdrawal from the moment you access the training, in which case María Belén González García will not be obliged to reimburse the amounts paid when contracting the corresponding training.


Without prejudice to the loss of the right of withdrawal as provided above, the withdrawal period shall expire after 14 calendar days from the date of contracting the service in question. This right may be exercised by contacting our Customer Service Department at: hello@belenshana.com


The purchaser is responsible for immediately verifying whether access to the purchased digital product has been granted. On the other hand, in the event of a technical problem in accessing the purchased content, the cancellation period will remain suspended until the problem is resolved, and once this happens, the purchase process will resume from where it is.


The user may make claims, returns or cancellations by sending an email to https://belenshana.com/ indicating their name and surname, the product purchased and stating the reasons for their claim.




All the information and documentation used during the contracting, development and execution of the Contractual Conditions that regulate the relationship between María Belén González García and the Client is confidential. Confidential information shall not be understood to be that which is disclosed by agreement between the Parties, that which becomes public for the same reason or that which must be disclosed in accordance with the law or with a judicial decision of a competent authority and that which is obtained by a third party who is not under any obligation of confidentiality. 


Both parties undertake to comply with the duty of confidentiality and to maintain it for a minimum period of two (2) years after the end of the aforementioned Contractual Conditions that regulate the relationship between María Belén González García and the Client. 


All information received from the client, be it images, texts, access data such as users and passwords, hosting or others, will be treated confidentially, and the transfer to third parties is strictly forbidden unless we have your consent and always for the same purpose for which the data was obtained.



Exclusion of liability

https://belenshana.com/ does not guarantee that the availability of the service covered by this contract will be continuous and uninterrupted, nor does it guarantee the loss of data hosted on its servers, interruption of business activities or any damage arising from the operation of the services, or the expectations generated for the Client, as a result of:


  1. Causes beyond the control of https://belenshana.com/ and acts of God and/or force majeure.
  2. Breakdowns caused by incorrect use by the Client, especially those arising from the contracting of a service that is inappropriate for the type of activity and use carried out by the Client and/or third parties through its website.
  3. Scheduled stoppages and/or alterations to the content made by mutual agreement between the parties for the maintenance or performance of previously agreed exceptional actions.
  4. Viruses, computer attacks and/or other actions by third parties that cause the total or partial impossibility of providing the services.
  5. Incorrect or deficient functioning of the Internet.
  6. Other unforeseeable circumstances.

In this way, the Client accepts to bear within reasonable limits these circumstances, and therefore expressly renounces to claim from María Belén González García any contractual or extra-contractual responsibility for the possible failures, errors and use of the contracted service.

María Belén González García shall not be liable in any case for errors or damages caused by the inefficient and bad faith use of the service by the Client. 


Neither will María Belén González García be responsible for the major or minor consequences of the lack of communication between María Belén González García and the Client when it is attributable to the non-functioning of the e-mail address provided or falsity of the data provided by the Client in his/her user registration at https://belenshana.com/.


Grounds For Dissolution Of Contract

Dissolution of the service contract can occur at any time by either party.

You are not bound by any conditions of permanence with https://belenshana.com/ if you are not satisfied with our service.

https://belenshana.com/ may terminate or suspend any and all Services contracted with https://belenshana.com/ immediately, without notice or liability, in the event that you fail to comply with the terms hereof.


Upon termination of the contract, your right to use the Services will cease immediately.

The following shall be causes for dissolution of the contract:

  • The falsehood, in whole or in part, of the data provided in the process of contracting any service.
  • Alter, circumvent, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise tamper with the security technology provided by https://belenshana.com/.
  • Also cases of abuse of support services by requiring more hours than the contractually stipulated.

Dissolution implies the loss of its rights to the contracted service.


Data protection

In accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016. (RGPD) and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, I hereby inform you that, by accepting these terms of contract and my Privacy Policy, you give your informed, express, free and unequivocal consent for the Data you provide to be processed by María Belén González García, as data controller.


The legal basis for the processing of your data is compliance with these terms and conditions. The data provided will be kept as long as you do not request the cessation of the service. The data will not be transferred to third parties, except in cases where there is a legal obligation.

Any person has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not María Belén González García processes personal data concerning him or her.

Interested persons have the right to:


  • To know whether I am processing your data or not.
  • To access your personal data.
  • To request the rectification of your data if it is inaccurate.
  • To request the deletion of your data if they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or if you withdraw your consent.
  • To request the limitation of the processing of your data, in certain cases, in which case I will only keep them in accordance with the regulations in force.
  • To submit your data, which will be provided to you in a structured, commonly used or machine-readable format. It is only valid in certain cases.
  • To file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency or competent supervisory authority, if you believe that I have not dealt with you correctly.
  • To withdraw consent to any processing for which you have consented, at any time.

You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by contacting: hello@belenshana.com All information received from the client, be it images, e-mails, texts, access data such as users and passwords, will be treated confidentially, and its transfer to third parties is strictly prohibited.


Confidential information shall not include information that is disclosed by agreement between the Parties, information that is made public for the same reason or information that is required to be disclosed by law or by a court order of a competent authority and information that is obtained by a third party who is under no obligation of confidentiality. Both parties undertake to comply with the duty of confidentiality indefinitely.



Intellectual property and prohibitions

 The contents available in each of the courses marketed on this website constitute a work of intellectual property whose rights correspond to the author of the training María Belén González García, and are protected by international laws and conventions.

Any form of reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, making available and, in general, any other act of public exploitation of both the courses and their contents is prohibited without the express prior written consent of the Author.


Any act by virtue of which Users of the services or contents may exploit or make commercial use, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, of any of the contents, images, forms, indexes and other formal expressions that form part of the formations without the prior written permission of the Author is prohibited.


Specifically, but not exclusively, the acts of reproduction, distribution, exhibition, transmission, retransmission, broadcasting, emission in any form, storage on physical or logical supports, digitalisation or making available from databases other than those belonging to those authorised by the Author, as well as their translation, are prohibited, adaptation, arrangement or any other transformation of said formations, images, forms, indexes and other formal expressions that are made available to Users through the courses or contents, insofar as such acts are subject to the applicable legislation on intellectual, industrial or image protection property.



European Consumer Law

The European Commission has created the first European platform for resolving trade disputes "online covered by the latest consumer law. In this respect, as the operator of an online sales platform, we have a duty to inform our users about the existence of an online platform for alternative dispute resolution.

To use the dispute resolution platform, the user must use the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/odr


Jurisdiction and applicable law

María Belén González García and THE CLIENT shall be governed by Spanish law to settle any dispute that may arise from access to or use of this website, and these general conditions of use and contracting shall be governed by Spanish law.

In accordance with article 29 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, electronic contracts between business people or professionals, the parties submit, at their choice, for the resolution of conflicts and renouncing any other forum, to the Courts and Tribunals of the User's domicile.