Belén Shana, creator of the Silence Dance Method

Belén Shana has danced on many stages. A specialist in Oriental Dance, she has been teaching it for more than twenty years. She has trained in dance, physical theatre, acting and body techniques in Spain, Morocco, Sweden and Canada.

She has performed in a variety of theatres and performance spaces, most regularly at the Sala Galileo Galilei in Madrid. She has collaborated with different dance and theatre companies and has been a member of the Oriental Dance jury at Arrabona Bellydance (Hungary, organised by Selena Erzsebet Papai) and at Habibi Dance Festival (Spain, organised by Miren Ripa). She has danced for different embassies at the Five Star Hotel Bless in Madrid.


She has experience dancing on television channels such as Telecinco. She has also collaborated teaching dance in programmes on Telemadrid.

Since 2013 she has been directing and teaching at her own OrienteOccidente Oriental Dance School in the heart of Madrid, in the Barrio de Salamanca, where she has trained hundreds of students and has taught internationally renowned teachers.


Graduate in Philosophy, expert in Philosophy of Art. Specialist in Body Expression and Anti-Stress Psychology.


Since her adolescence she has been interested in the world of self-knowledge and has received training in meditation and psycho-corporal techniques from the most diverse traditions, being the relationship of all of them with dance her contribution through the Silence Dance method.

He has drawn from various traditions, both on a practical and theoretical level: advaita-vedanta, Chinese and Korean tradition, Hindu hatha tradition, Western-European tradition. His teachers have been of various nationalities and visions: China, Korea, Tibet, Indonesia, Europe, South America...

Clearly interested in mysticism in its broadest version, she considers humour to be the best way to settle into dancing spirituality, as an authentic experiment in happiness.

Belén Shana's website,, is a reference point for dancers interested in expanding their creativity and is visited by students from all over the world.